Monday 30 May 2011

My engineering life,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It all started in the first day first show of my college life when i saw a cute girl sitting in the 3rd row 1st bench of my classroom,who was listening with complete immersion to the lecture on "How to give a better shape to your future?".
It was 10:15 when i entered into the class, students were starring at me as if i have done a crime by getting into the class 15 min late.I was still searching my seat when i saw the classroom was completely packed and there was no seat left for a late comer like me,till the time students were continuosly starring at me as if they were thinking 'Careless boy!, he ll be thrown out of the classroom soon !'.Finally i got an adjusted seat with 3 students seating in a 3 feet long bench with two students occupying 1.25 feet each and the rest 0.5 feet was offered to me , i was not so skinny to fit into that so i was 0.5 feet inside and 0.5 feet outside the bench.I did these calculations bcoz i was in an engineering college and i had to show of my engineering skills.
I was confused whether i m in an engineering college or a school with 10 times stronger rules and regulations than my actual school. My confusion was cleared literally (not mentally) by our mathematics prof. who was also the 1st yr. incharge. In an unmannered way he informed about the rules and regulations, as if a jailor is ordering to the criminals, i felt like i m in an inescapable jail.
It again started in the lunch time when i again saw that girl , but this time with my relaxed eyes. She was wearing a white kurta and the dimples in her chicks were making that girl look more beautiful.I thought of having an intro. with her, so i stepped forward to her bench but till the time i reached ,she went away with her newly introduced friends.I was a bit upset, but i thought hopes are always alive for me.
Other students exchanged their past,present and future with each other,they exchanged their identity with me,but i didn't exchanged my past, present and future bcoz i didn't want to think of ma past and future and didn't want to  share my present with them as i had secured my present for the newly seen girl.
Now after 5 period long theory classes it was the time for our practical class of Engineering Mechanics.As i was very much interested in learning and exploring engineering rather than studying engineering , i was very much excited to see how an engineering lab looks like and how experiments are performed there.As i searched and entered the lab i saw machines and machines all around, my curiousity of knowing and doing something different with them was on peak.
We were divided into different groups to perform our practicals.Lab attendents were dividing the group based on our roll no.'s. Peak of my excitement was doubled when i heard the newly seen girl's name and saw her coming to my group.
Believe me, i forgot all the machines in the lab, i forgot my curiosity for them, i forgot all my definitions of exploring and learning engineering,i was only starring the girl with my widely opened eyes.She looked at me and gave me a cute friendly smile, i returned back the same smile to her and offered her my friendship with that smile. She sat next to me holding her practical file.It was the first time i talked to her ,we exchanged our interests and likes and dislikes.

Once upon a time in ma dream....!!!

A completely new life was going to start,my heart was beating like a typical indian shadi band bcoz i was entering into an unexplored, inexperienced part of my world. It was 8 in the morning when i checked out my brand new alarm clock given by ma skul frnd as ma bday present, i thought it is too early to wake up so I slept again for 5 min's. Believe me that 5 min was the most adventurous part of my life, though the 5 min was actually 5 hours of ma clock.

There was silence and silence everywhere, the only sound that i was hearing was of ma own breath, I felt like that i was traveling in a completely dark tunnel with speed of light. I felt like somebody was vacuuming me so hard in the tunnel and my all the efforts of coming out from that dark maelstrom was getting failed.

Suddenly pool of darkness transmuted into a heavenly place that i have never dreamed of in ma life. The place was a pure heaven; it was a complete world of natural beauties that I have never seen in ma life. The place was having everything that a person dreams to have in his/her life. The place was completely surrounded by never seen beauties who were welcoming their guests and making them feel free in the unexplored environment. I was also welcomed in that divine place by a beautiful young lady. I was feeling the power of imagination. She introduced me to the place, "This is a love town where people from eras are trying to cool down their curiosity of exploring this place, but few get chance to actually feel this environment and know this place and u r among these lucky people" .I asked " but why me, i didn’t had any curiosity, then why i m here?".
She answered "we choose people who deserve to be here, in this selfish world u ll hardly find a person who understands his/her love. U ll hardly find a person who knows how to spread love in his family and how to make them happy. Today people are just running for success, money and everything else and the main thing they are lacking is their true love. We selected u bcoz u r in true love and it is easy to explain this to u”.
I was going to ask a question to her but suddenly I felt somebody was showering me on ma head, I suddenly woke up and saw ma mother bellowing on me and splashing water over me.
I woke up, i was upset bcoz of unfinished dream, but I learned a lesson from it.
'We are just forgetting our purpose of living life, we are here not for money, fame etc., but we are here to spread the power of love, power of humanity. Our soul purpose is to make people's life enjoyable, ovable. We cant destroy other's life, we don’t have any right to do that.'
The only thought coming in my mind is the famous quote of Albert Einstein:-

"We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings."

Anukool Chaturvedi